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You started your business and you are wondering why it’s not gaining a lot of traffic. Well, for starters you must have a website. As a marketer, it can be tough to generate new traffic and leads to your website. However, there are a few simple tips and tricks to increase a flow of traffic to your website.

1.) Have a business blog:

A business blog is part of your website that would describe what you are doing behind the scenes of your business/industry. You can share what some of your future projects are or show what goals you have for the upcoming week. This blog can simply be about tips, educational content, or a day in the life of your business.
Make sure you also have a nice assortment of content on your page. This will attract more customers attention and your website if they can physically see what you’re doing.

2.) Create Awesome Visuals:

To show your customers what your business is truly capable of, visuals are the way to go. Graphs, charts, and other visuals showing your growth compared to others will increase the appeal of your website. This will also show your customers how you are different compared to other competitors. You can also have pictures of before and after as well if you can’t create a graph.

3.) Increase your website with an SEO:

An SEO is a search engine optimizer. SEO makes your website more appealing to the google algorithm by using keywords and phrases. These keywords will help attract the audience you want for your website. You can find your keywords by using a keyword research tool on google. Placing the keywords is a big important part as well. Place the keywords either in the title, the first 100 words, or in the H1 heading.

4.) Set your links Internally:

When you are creating your content for your website, make sure to provide links. A few links (1-3 links) per each page will help keep the viewer longer on your page because of the links they are clicking. You can provide links on a previous blog you have talked about, a product, or a certain service you provide that you mention on your page. By doing this, this gets you more website views and allows the viewer to get more value out of your website.

5.) Host Webinars:

Aside from the technological side of this, focusing on your social media presence is also a great key to leading traffic to your website. People love to learn and this would be a great time to socialize and educate your audience on what you provide. Before hosting the webinar, make sure to promote the event a week before. List out the date, time, and the link to the webinar and place it within your website and promote on your socials. You can also send out an email newsletter to your audience notifying them of the event.