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Websites are a vital part of any business. If people want to learn more information about a company, where do they go? That’s right, to their website!

A website is a difficult thing to keep up with by yourself, especially for a small business. So, hiring a web development company may seem like the right fit for you. Here are a few questions to consider before hiring a web development company to assist you.

How Long Does The Process Take?

Although a company will take you on as a client, it is important to remember that you are not their only client. Developing your website may take time, so be sure to discuss the details of the process with them. This will allow you to follow a schedule and plan ahead based on when your website will be completed. A website should never be rushed through, or else there may be errors. So, patience is key! Keep in communication with the web development company to stay updated on how things are moving along.

What Other Services Do You Offer?

There are many parts to a website, and to get everything that you want and need in a package, you need to ask what is included. Having an SEO, or search engine optimization, included in your website package is very important. SEO controls your ranking on search engines based on keywords, citations, and more. There are also companies out there that will create blogs and content for your site. If you feel like your site needs a refresh or needs promotion, consider adding these services to your package if offered!

Do You Specialize In Any Industry?

Some web development companies may focus specifically in one industry, while others will work with any business. If the company specializes in your industry, they may have great tips and tricks to use while creating your site. This can be good, to have someone who is experienced with your industry. But, using someone that does not have a specialty can bring uniqueness to your website. Your website will not look like any of the others in your industry if you use someone without a specialty. There are benefits when going either way. It truly comes down to your preference and your vision!

Do You Have Content And Testimonials To Review?

The best way to know if a web development company is a good fit for you is to actually check out their work. Liking what you see gives you a sense of comfort in knowing they will do a great job! Another way to look into a company is to read testimonials and reviews given by companies who have worked with them. Reading how people feel about the services they receive can impact your decision.

Who Owns The Content Created?

Websites include pictures, writing, and many other aspects that all come together to make it complete. Asking who owns the content on your site can save you a lot of hurt in the end. Once the website is complete, you could be charged more if you want the rights to the content. Otherwise, it could belong to whoever created it. This all depends on how the company operates. This is not necessarily a negative thing, but you want to make sure you will own your content in the end. So, asking ahead of time will fill in any missing details regarding website content.

Will It Be A Custom Site Or A Theme-based Site?

Whether the site is going to be built from the ground up, or if it will be created using a premade theme, this can all impact the price of your package. If you have a limited budget that you want to stick to, it may be a good idea to use a theme-based website. Each company has its own process. One company may use only pre-built themes, and others may only do custom sites. Ask them to lay it out for you and weigh your options.

How Will You Be Monitoring Seo?

As stated in question two, SEO controls your ranking on search engines based on keywords, citations, and many other aspects. This will control how your site pops up when someone types into the search engine bar. SEO starts with your web designer, so ask how they integrate it. Your website needs to be responsive in order to load quickly. Your web developer should mention this as a focal point for your site. Navigation around your site should not be complicated. Your web developer should make it as easy as possible to control. Make sure the designer is placing things in a way that makes it simple and interesting for your target audience. The look of your website will determine if a user leaves your site, or stays. All of which can impact your SEO.

Can The Website Be Edited After Finalizing?

Once your website is launched, it may be perfect for weeks or even months. But, times change and companies change and grow. This means information may need to be edited from time to time. It is crucial to ask your developer if your website is able to be edited in the future. Ask if you can make future edits if able, or if you will need to reach back out to them to make the updates. You will find that a lot of companies will edit for you in the future, so be sure to ask!

Your website is a visual representation of your brand. Finding a web developer that you feel comfortable with is very important when deciding who to hire! Never be afraid to ask a lot of questions. This can help you avoid unwanted surprises in the process. There are so many amazing developers out there that would love to help you grow your business!

A website is a crucial part of your business, however small or large it may be. People judge the authenticity of your brand by viewing your webpage. Showing them what your amazing business has to offer is only one click away. In order to attract the right customers and clients, make your website stand out!

Your website can affect your business in so many ways. Make it a positive lasting effect with an update.

Ready to dive into a new website? Contact us today for a free consultation!