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 If you aren’t in love with your current website, it may be time for an update. Just having a website out there is not enough to bring in new customers and clients. People often base their interest in a business on the look of their website. If it looks pleasing to the eye, they will probably follow through. If the website does not look nice, they may choose one of your competitors.

 If you would like your business to grow and succeed, consider revamping your website.

Does Not Represent Your Brand:

Oftentimes, the aesthetic of a website does not meet that of the actual business itself. You want your website to show customers and clients what they are going to walk into, or what they can expect. Take a look at your website and ask yourself, does this suit my brand?


If your website has not been updated in a few years, it is outdated. Websites need to be updated every so often to not only ensure that it runs smoothly but to protect them from hackers and bots. If you haven’t updated your site in over a year, it is time to consider an upgrade.

Slow Running:

If it takes your website more than a few seconds to change pages or provide information, you need an update. Slow running time can mean your website template is old and that the content is too heavy for the site.

Non-Mobile Friendly:

We depend on our cell phones to give us information at the drop of a hat. Your website may look nice on a laptop or desktop, but if it is not mobile-friendly, it will not look pleasing to those viewing on their phones. If your site is not mobile-friendly, content can show extremely disorganized on a small cell phone screen. Ensure that your customers and clients have the same experience on their phones as you provide on a computer screen.

A website is a crucial part of your business, however small or large it may be. People judge the authenticity of your brand by viewing your webpage. Showing them what your amazing business has to offer is only one click away. In order to attract the right customers and clients, make your website stand out! Your website can affect your business in so many ways. Make it a positive lasting effect with an update.

Ready to dive into a new website? Contact us today for a free consultation!